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Becoming Like Jesus

One Step at a Time

What a glorious thought to know that we can be transformed to be like Jesus, the Son of God. While the single most significant event in Jesus’ life is his sacrifice on the cross, the impact of the life he lived – how he walked among the people – is not to be overlooked. Jesus the Son of Man and the perfect sacrifice, through his daily discipline and interaction with people, modeled for us a life that is in complete submission to God’s will, and one that promises not only joy, peace, freedom, and a deeper relationship with God, but also eternal life.

How then, do we become like him? Surely we should pray for God to transform us, and lay our desire earnestly before him. The Holy Spirit guides and empowers those who seek. To be more concrete, to become like someone, you must first get to know them – the more intimately the better. What are their character and values that you appreciate and desire to imitate? And going even deeper, find out what motivates them, and from where do they get their strength.

Thankfully God does not leave us guessing. This Bible Study Plan follows the life of Jesus through the account of Luke in the 3rd Gospel. In this journey we will start from Luke 4 and follow Jesus as he begins his ministry in proclaiming the gospel. Each day we read an event that gives us insight into Jesus’ motivation, strength, goals, as well as his empathy for the needy and courage to stand against those who oppose him. This study is written to provoke you to discover, reflect, investigate, and decide how you want to be transformed to be like Jesus. Feel free to use online tools for additional research. Focus on building a picture of who Jesus is – even if you don’t have all your questions answered. And visualize how you can become like this man in his perfection.

We who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.                                             2 Corinthians 3: 18

“Do you understand what I have done for you?” he asked his disciple. You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am Now that I, your Lord and Teacher have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.                            John 13: 12-15

When you are ready, have a Bible (preferably a book made out of paper), a notebook, and a pen handy. You will get the most of the study by following the plan step by step. Do NOT skip reading the Bible verses – look them up where the plan says Read, before moving on to Reflect and the rest of the steps. Agree? Then let’s get started!

Getting Started

Week One

Day 01 Luke 4: 1-12 Temptation

Day 02 Luke 4: 14-28 Rejection

Day 03 Luke 4: 31-36 Authoriy

Day 04 Luke 4: 38-44 Overwhelmed

Day 05 Luke 4: 38-44 Distractions

Day 06 Luke 5: 1-11 Catch them by Surprise

Day 07 Luke 5: 12-13 Daring to Touch

Day 08 Luke 5: 17-26 Sickness and Suffering

Day 09 Luke 5: 27-31 Choose My Team

Day 10 Luke 6: 6-10 Love Above Law

Week Two

Week Three

Day 11 Luke 6:12-16 A Team of 12

Day 12 Luke 7: 1-10 Faith in Authority

Day 13 Luke 7: 11-15 The Miracle of Compassion

Day 14 Luke 7: 18-35 Rivalry

Day 15 Luke 7: 36-50 Why do you come?